^ ^ ^ THAT is an Ood, for the Doctor Who deficient.
Saturday, I, with my Ood ticket, entered the Doctor Who Convention at the Millennium Centre in Cardiff.
What can I say? Dreams come true.
I'm not going to get into details about the Convention (mainly because I spent the past two hours journaling about it).
Things I will say:
1) Being on the TARDIS set was one of the coolest experiences of my life.
2) Being on the TARDIS and at the Convention made me sure, more than ever, that I need to become a TV writer someday.
3) Karen Gillan has watched U.S. show Community and therefore has gained my esteem.
4) Arthur Darvill is adorable as Rory, but he is Hot as Arthur Darvill.
5) Matt Smith rocks some badass socks.
6) Steven Moffat is a self proclaimed git, but he's kind of a writing rock star, and I admire him immensely.
7) Getting to see a sneak peek at the season 7 trailer before everyone else is immensely satisfying.
8) I did not waste 99 pounds on the convention ticket, we got MEGA awesome swag bags.
9) Prosthetics=way cooler than I ever could have imagined.
10) Doctor Who is a show that has inspired many for nearly 50 years, and you can add my name to the 'many'.
This is me on the TARDIS
Dr. Who is for the TARDS!... I cannot get into this horrible show lOl